
Wait! Special Offer:

Imagine If... In 2 Mouse Clicks, You Can Instantly
Add Eye-Catching Animations, Effects & Motion To ALL Your SketchWow Designs

Now Itā€™s Easier Than Ever To Create Super-Engaging Sketch Animations, Animated Presentations & Videos Without Being a Pro Animator Or Designer!

I know you are excited to jump-in and use SketchWow.

Before you do that... please give this a quick read. One of the questions we see from customers isā€¦

ā€œCan I add, edit & animate my SketchWow designs directly in PowerPoint or my video animation software?ā€

A couple challenges here...

Challenge #1: SketchWow is not designed to make full-animation or whiteboard videos

Challenge #2: Itā€™s impossible for us to integrate with every presentation and video animation
app on the market

However... we recently REMOVED these problems with a much easier solution.

Keep reading for details...

Currently, it takes 4 steps to make animations from your SketchWow designs...

  • 1


    Export the image from SketchWow

  • 2


    Import image into PowerPoint or your
    animation or whiteboard video software

  • 3

    Add Animations

    Add all the triggers, effects (or draw paths), actions, timing, speed, transitions, etc.

  • 4


    Repeat Steps 1 - 3 for every image, slide, page or video frame

This can take a lot of time.

Here at SketchWow, we have no desire to create a bloated app like PowerPoint.

Nor do we want to make complex and costly video animation apps like Adobe

We prefer to keep things simple and affordable.

If you love the thought of turning SketchWow into a cool animated video maker

(without toggling back and forth between 2-3 apps)... then I have great news!

I know youā€™ll be excited to hear about our new SketchWow add-on.

Say Hello To Your New BFF...

SketchWow Animate!

For a small one-time payment of just $69, you can add this ā€œSketchWow Animateā€ add-on to your SketchWow software to instantly unlock loads of animated presentation, stop-motion & animated video-making awesomeness!
With your SketchWow Animate add-on, youā€™ll get access to a TON of creative options to spice up your diagrams... visuals... content... presentations... lessons... slideshows and videos to explain just about anything ā€“ using super-cool-looking sketch animations!

I want to add SketchWow Animate for a one-time fee of just $69

Best part... your animated videos wonā€™t look like typical, animated PowerPoints that you ā€”
and your audience ā€“ have seen a million times.

Know what that means?

No More Death-By-Power Point... Like Ever

Plus, adding SketchWow Animate makes SkechWow even MORE fun to use. (... never thought that was possible, until we proved ourselves wrong!)

There are dozens of presentation and animation tools out there... but as youā€™ll soon find out, thereā€™s NOTHING like SketchWow Animate!

Keep reading to see some of the unique, eye-popping animations you can create only using SketchWow Animate!

How Does SketchWow Animate Work?

Once you purchase the SketchWow Animate add-on, a new ā€œAnimateā€ button will be enabled in SketchWow on the top toolbar.

Click it... thatā€™s when the magic happens!

Next, you can add animation and movement to any element, shape, text, page or imported image.

2 Clicks = Animate Anything

Yup. It's that easy!

Highlight An Element On The Canvas

Choose Your Animation Effect

Watch Your
Designs Spring
To Life With Motion

You get all the standard effects that youā€™d expect to see (Appear, Fade Out, Push, Pull...etc) plus a few other "magnetic" effects that are exclusive to SketchWow animate, including...

Is that cool or what?

SketchWow Animate also includes a few unique Text Effects too (Typewriter and Text Jiggle) like this...

Just select an animation Effect and watch those words really POP!

Best of All: You Have Total Control

SketchWow Animate gives you many options to customize your animations.

You can control how it starts (trigger)... speed... duration... timing and order of all the snazzy effects you add to your presentation, visual or animated video.

SketchWow Animate gives you many options to customize your animations.

Hereā€™s an example of the included settings:

Use SketchWow Animate To Create All This (And More!)ā€¦

Animated Text Videos
Animated Content
Shaky Animation
YouTube Videos
Multi-page, Animated Videos
Animated Ads
Animated Social Posts
Non Typical Explainer Videos
Webinar Slides (Live Or Pre-recorded)
Animated (automated) Slides/ Presentations

Creating Ahh-mazing
Has Never
Been Easier!

Built For Speed,
Not Complexity
You wonā€™t have to sort through complex
menus or confusing options.
Just click an Effect and add it. Presto...
done! Next.
Create Single or
Make a one-page animation... or add
page transitions to create amazing, fully
automated multi-frame videos. Sooo
many possibilities here
ZERO Animation
Or Design Skills
Donā€™t have a creative bone in your body?
No problemo! Can you click a mouse?
Then, you can easily make great-looking
animations using SketchWow Animate!
Add Audio
Tracks Too
Thatā€™s right. Drop in a dope background
music track or narration. Then, export
your complete animated video with audio
Compression &
Using your video on the web? The
built-in compressor tool will reduce the
size of your video files without
sacrificing quality. Veddy, veddy handy!
10-Seconds or
SketchWow Animate gives you flexibility.
Crank out a quick 10-second animated
video. Or explain anything using a full
length video of 2ā€¦5ā€¦10 minutes or more

ltā€™s Soooo Easy To Use Too!

Listen. Thereā€™s a reason why you can take endless courses to learn PowerPoint or Adobeā€™s animation tools. Why? Because they are complicated.

Also, most tools include way too many ā€œpower-featuresā€ that youā€™ll never use. This only adds to the clutter, confusion and slows you down.

I hope you are getting excited about what SketchWow Animate can do for you.

If you are still on-the-fenceā€¦ and need a few more reasons (...or excuses) why you really oughta join usā€¦ here you go!

10 Reasons
Why You Need
SketchWow Animate
In Your Life...

Create Gorgeous,
Catchy, Animated
Visual Content
Clearly Communicate
Your Big Ideas With
Break-free From
Typical Explainer,
Doodle or Whiteboard
Avoid Overused Stock Videos Or Images That Get Ignored
Make Fun, Personal, Creative Presentations Without That ā€œClinicalā€ Look
Visually Communicate Anything (With Motion) In a Unique Way
Zero Video Making or
Animation Skills
Create Cool,
Captivating Animated
Videos With Ease
Add Creativity &
Personality To Any
You could definitely
use more FUN in your
life (heck, who

Not to mentionā€¦ save yourself from buying (and learning) more video animation or presentation tools.
Not needed once you get SkechWow Animate.

PLUS, Youā€™ll Get These 2 Fantastic Bonuses
When You Join SketchWow Animate Today!

$450+ VALUE

42 Animated Stick Figures

Big sites like iStock & Shutterstock charge between $20 and $79 for ONE animated stick figure. Considering that you get 42 super fun animated stick figures, you can quickly do the math on the value of this bonus.

Need to explain something in a casual way that commands instant attention? In a couple mouse clicksā€¦ you can add these catchy animated characters to liven up any presentation or video. This catapults SketchWow Animate to whole new level of animation awesome-sauce!

**Coming Soon**

$144/year value

AI Animations & Presentations

You already know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic right now. If you do your homeworkā€¦ youā€™ll find AI presentation and AI animation software that costs $144-$300+ PER YEAR. Yikes! Who has that kind of spare change lying around, right?

We are currently working to add AI to SketchWow Animate. When we doā€¦ two things are guaranteed to happen:

  • You wonā€™t pay a nickel to get this new TURBOCHARGED version
  • You will be amazed! (... and save hours of time too)

Ok. Letā€™s wrap this up. Itā€™s time toā€¦

Start Creating
Animations That Stand Out!

Itā€™s no secret...

Your audience is numb to typical looking animations

Hopefully by now you can see how SketchWow Animate creates truly unique and catchy animations. Thereā€™s nothing like it.

Your audience will LOVE themā€¦ and they will pay attention once they see what you have created using SketchWow Animate!

Donā€™t take our word for it... why donā€™t you be the judge.

Take ā€œAnimateā€ For a 30-Day Test Drive.

All Iā€™m asking you to do today is say ā€œ...maybeā€

During this initial rolloutā€¦ we are making SketchWow Animate available for a one-time payment of just $69. ZERO monthly/yearly fees, ever.

Use SketchWow Animate for a month.

Try it out. See if you like it?

If you pass on this... youā€™ll never know what you could be missing out on.

In this day and age of shrinking attention spansā€¦ you gotta do everything you can to cutthrough-the-clutter.

Thatā€™s EXACTLY what SketchWow Animate was designed to do.

Give it a go for 1-month... and then let me know if you agree.

If you change your mind for any reason at allā€¦ no sweat. Contact our support team within 30 days from today for a complete refund. No questions. No hard feelings. No dramaā€¦ we promise.

Just click that button belowā€¦ and the ā€œAnimateā€ add-on will be added to your SketchWow software.

Ok... still considering if you should buy this thing?

Here are a couple more reasons why this is an amazing must-have deal!

Woot! No Pesky Monthly Subscription Fees

As you already know... most of the big software companies have made the switch to monthly subscriptions.

PowerPoint, Adobe Creative Suite and other leading productsā€¦ all monthly.

Other Video Animation Tools Cost $29-$45 Per Month (...thatā€™s a whopping $348-$540 per year!)

We might be trapped in a 2015 time capsule. Before we come to our senses and charge monthly (like everyone else)...

Go take advantage of this one-time price of just $69!

Includes Free (Lifetime) Updates Too!

Some companies charge you for every single update. Not us.

Yes, we already have some plans for the next versionā€¦ and yes, youā€™ll get all these updates at no cost.

There are DOZENS of presentation and animation tools out there...
but nothing like SketchWow Animate!

Try it. See for yourself.

Go ahead and click that ā€œUpgrade My Orderā€ button below, right now. Then, prepare to be amazed at what you can do using SketchWow + SketchWow Animate.

I want to add SketchWow Animate for a one-time fee of just $69.